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Como se diz “mal-assombrado” em inglês?



Mal-assombrado em inglês: Haunted | Spooky | Scary | Frightening

Haunted, spooky, scary, frightening” significam mal-assombrado em inglês, assombrado ou assustador. Diz-se do lugar ou casa onde, segundo a crença popular, aparecem fantasmas.

What do “haunted, spook” mean?

“Haunted, spooky” are adjectives. The definition or meaning is “obsessed or terrified in a strange manner; visited or populated as if by ghosts; sinister or ghostly in a way that causes fear and unease”. Another meaning would be “showing signs of suffering or severe anxiety; inhabited by or as if by apparitions; (of a place) frequented by a ghost; showing signs of suffering or severe anxiety”. See some examples with Portuguese translation.

How do you say “haunted, spooky, scary, frightening” in Portuguese?

  1. This house is haunted. / Essa casa é assombrada.
  2. I feel spooky reading this book. / Me sinto assombrado lendo esse livro.
  3. As spooky and dangerous as it may be, it is definitely a spot to be visited. / Mesmo sendo tão assustador como perigoso quanto possa ser, é definitivamente um lugar a ser visitado.
  4. He has some spooky scary skeletons on his closet. / Ele tem alguns esqueletos realmente assustadores em seu armário.
  5. It’s frightening to see how ugly he is. / É assustador ver o quão feio ele é!
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