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Como se diz “impressionar” em inglês?



Impressionar em inglês: To amaze | to astound | to bedazzle | to dazzle | to blow away | to impress | to wonder

To amaze, to astound, to bedazzle, to dazzle, to blow away, to impress” significam impressionar em inglês. Deixar alguém pasmo, maravilhado, estupefato, atônito, perplexo.

What do “to amaze, to astound, to bedazzle, to dazzle, to blow away, to impress, to wonder” mean?

To amaze, to astound, to bedazzle, to dazzle, to blow away, to impress” are verbs. The definition or meaning is “to overwhelm one with wonder or bafflement; to cause astonishment or admiration; to fill with wonder”. Another meaning would be “to impress very strongly and usually favorably; to affect especially forcibly or deeply”.

How do you say “to amaze, to astound, to bedazzle, to dazzle, to blow away, to impress, to wonder” in Portuguese?

  1. He was bedazzled by her beauty. / Ele ficou muito impressionado com a beleza dela.
  2. I’m blown away by her performance on her last movie. / Estou muito impressionado com a atuação dela no seu ultimo filme.
  3. I’m impressed by her skill despite her low. / Estou impressionado com a habilidade dela apesar da sua pouca idade.
  4. Everybody was amazed with her beauty. / Todos estavam impressionados com a beleza dela.
  5. I was astounded when I saw her neckline. / Fiquei perplexo ao ver o decote dela.
  6. I was quite shocked. / Fiquei muito mal impressionado (chocado).
  7. The article took a hold on me. / O artigo impressionou-me.
  8. They were thrilled by the movie. / Eles se impressionaram com o filme.

O que significa “to blow one’s mind” em inglês?

To blow one’s mind” significa impressionar, deixar alguém impressionado.

  • Her last work blew my mind. / O último trabalho dela me deixou muito impressionado.
  • He blew my mind with his story. / Ele me impressionou com a sua história.
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