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Como se diz “sonolento” em inglês?



Sonolento em inglês: Sleepy | Drowsy

Sleepy, drowsy” significam sonolento em inglês, com sono.

What do “sleepy, drowsy” mean?

Sleepy, drowsy” are adjectives. The definition or meaning is “having an inclination for or affected by sleep; ready to fall asleep”. Another meaning would be “sluggish as if from sleep; giving the appearance of peaceful inactivity; into a state of inactivity, sluggishness, or indifference”.

How do you say “sleepy, drowsy” in Portuguese?

  1. The wine made her sleepy. / O vinho a deixou sonolenta.
  2. She rubbed her drowsy eyes. / Ela esfregou seus olhos sonolentos.
  3. Brazil industry is asleep at the switch. / A indústria brasileira está dormindo no ponto.
  4. I felt asleep trying to watch a movie. . / Caí no sono tentando assistir um filme.
  5. It’s impossible to sleep with so much noise. / É impossível dormir com tanto barulho.
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